About Me

I am eight years old and have spent my life so far studying, catching and raising insects and animals.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hornet Fighters

This is the wreckage only moments before the attack

A month after I turned five, I got stung over forty times by hornets.  We had hiked into the jungle to see a World War Two bomber plane that had been shot down.  When we got to it, my brother climbed on top of it get his picture taken.  He stepped on a nest that the hornets had built in the plane.

The hornets came flying out.  There were about 600 of them.  They were mad.  We ran away as fast as we could, but there were thorns and the jungle was swampy.  My dad dropped his backpack and camera, grabbed me and my brother and we ran.  He put us down two minutes later and wacked the hornets away. 

I ended up having to drink a lot of water to flush flush out the venom, but I was fine. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sounds really scary! That happened to me and my cousins once when we were kids and camping one summer. I stepped on a wasp nest and wasps went flying everywhere! I didn't get stung but my poor cousins got stung quite a few times.
