About Me

I am eight years old and have spent my life so far studying, catching and raising insects and animals.

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Marbled Frogmouth

This a Tawny Frogmouth chick.  They are not owls, like many think. They are more closely related to kookaburras or nightjars.  They are nocturnal.  They catch food with their beaks rather than their talons.  Bothe males and females take turns sitting on the eggs.  The couple stays together until one dies.

It is supposed to eat mice, rats, cicadas, beetles and moths.  Ours is a baby, so we smash up beetles in water and use a dropper to put the guts into it's mouth. It seems pretty happy about that.  It is tame and seems to like us.  It stinks like a skunk when it feels threatened.  There are 14 species of frogmouths

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Three Snakes

I currently have three green tree pythons.  I have recently convinced them to eat dead rats instead of live ones.  Their names are Emerald, Viper, and St. Patrick

Monday, September 16, 2013

Barking Owl

Me holding up the rat while he eats
Me with a rat to feed him
This is my new baby owl.  I think that it may be a barking owl.  It eats rats but I have to hold them up like it's mom would.  We named it Indy, since we got it on Independence Day.


Friday, September 13, 2013

My Rainbow Bee Eater

Photo: This little rainbow bee eater got shot by a sling shot in a coffee garden. Andrew is practicing his veterinary skills on it's wing.

This is my rainbow bee eater.  It's wing is injured from someone shooting him with a sling shot.  He is very friendly and eats ants and bees,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Marsupial Madness

I am hand rearing a baby cuscus.  People ate her mom.  She still drinks milk and eats fruit too.  She loves to be with me al day in her bilum.

My Papuan Eagle

My newest bird is going to get HUGE! It can eat dogs and pigs. I hope he doesn't eat my little brothers  Right now it is a fledgling. Later it will have a wingspan of 5 feet and be almost 3 feet tall.  There are only a few thousand left in the world.  This one was brought to us by some neighbors who ate it's sister.  It likes to make noises back and forth with me.